One of the greatest strengths of the Anglophone Section has always been the network of families that make up our community and the wide range of opportunities to come together as a group.
Volunteers are always welcome!
We aim to support all the families that join us during their time in Lyon. To do this we rely on the enthusiasm, energy and time given by our volunteers. Getting involved in the Section is a great way to strengthen our community and to show our children that we take an interest in their education.
Below are some of the ways that Anglophone Section parents can get involved in supporting our school community:
Volunteer to help the Welcome Committee organise events for parents to meet and share experiences - or host one yourself! Throughout the school year we aim to organise a range of social events including coffee mornings, cheese and wine evenings and potluck lunches.
Volunteer to help organise or run the Anglophone Section's participation in one of the bigger events that are held through the year. These include the Halloween Party, the Kermesse (School Fair) or a help to run a stand at the International Book Fair or the Christmas Market.
Volunteer to join the parent-librarian rota for primary or secondary libraries.
Offer your particular talents or skills to help develop the Anglophone Section. Relevant skills might include website or graphic design, or experience of organising fundraising and other events.
Parents... to support us or to find out more about volunteering please contact us by email: volunteering@csianglo.org