On 6 November, representatives from over thirty different institutions of further and higher education from across the world gathered in the petit gymnase at the CSI to participate in our second International University Fair. Organised jointly by the Anglophone Section and SRT Fairs, the event opened up opportunities for our lycée students to explore their post-bac options to study in English. Representatives from well-renowned institutions including University of Exeter and London Metropolitian University (UK), Universities of Groeningen and Twente (Netherlands) and EMLyon (France) joined a diverse range of smaller institutions to connect directly with students.

Through the day, lycée students made their way to the gymnase to explore their future options to study subjects ranging from Business and Economics, to Science, Engineering and Hospitality. The atmosphere in the hall was energising - and very noisy! - as up to 100 students at a time made their way among the stalls: collecting brochures, tote bags and business cards. Most importantly students made the most of the opportunities to engage in direct conversation with the University representatives.

The event was opened up to other schools in Lyon which offer either the baccalauréat francais international (BFI) or other English-language courses of study. Around 150 visiting students and their teachers travelled to CSI from across the Lyon area to participate: this was also a great opportunity for some local networking.
On behalf of the Anglophone Section community, we'd like to thank all the staff at CSI and the Anglophone Section who helped to make this event such an overwhelming success. We are already looking forward to the next one!