Pupils in CE1 have found a great way to keep in touch with friends and relatives living far away during this period of travel restrictions!
Ms Leisure, CE1 teacher, told us about their plans. "We are going to start reading the story 'Flat Stanley' by Jeff Brown, before the holidays and will be embarking on an exciting globe-trotting project! Flat Stanley is the story of a child who gets flattened 'as flat as a pancake' and this opens up a world of adventures for him as he is posted (yes - via snail mail) to various locations across the world. Each child will be creating their own Flat Stanley to send to a friend or relative for a short holiday. He'll be laminated and wipeable so he won't need to be quarantined! After a fun-filled holiday, he'll be posted back with details (and pictures) of what he has been up to, for us all to share. It's a nice way to connect with people that we haven't been able to see since the start of the pandemic and it will be lots of fun!" More information about the Flat Stanley project here - http://www.flatstanleyproject.com/
