Welcome to the community section of our website!
Updates will be posted throughout the year, so please make sure that you check back regularly to keep up-to-date. If you can't find the information that you need on these pages, let us know! You can contact the Anglophone Section on at any time if you have questions or need guidance on school-related matters.
Resources available for parents includes:
All the Presentations made for parents in the current school year
Information for New Families and Back to School pages
University Guidance
Anglophone Section Library Catalogues for Primary and Secondary
Extra-curricular activities schedule for this school year
Information for Primary Parents
A directory of Anglophone Section staff members
APESA Board documents and information

Logging on to the Community Online Resources (COR)
This part of the website is password-protected. Parents: if you have lost or forgotten your login details please contact for a reminder. Click below to enter your password and access the Community Online Resources.