The APESA (Association des Parents d’Elèves de la Section Anglophone), known more broadly as the Anglophone Section, is a non profit-making legal entity (association loi 1901). In accordance with French law all parents with children enrolled in the Anglophone Section are automatically members of the APESA.
The APESA Board is the governing body of the association and comprises 12 elected members with board positions lasting for two academic years. Elections are held at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year. The Board works closely with the Head of the Anglophone Section, senior management and administrators to oversee the management of the Anglophone Section particularly in relation to finance, human resources (including recruitment) and overall strategy.
All of the Board members are volunteers and Board meetings are held once per month.
We strongly encourage all parents to get involved in the running of the Section by attending the AGM and putting themselves forward for election to the Board. For further information please contact the Board President at apesa.president@gmail.com
Board Responsibilities
Recruiting the Anglophone Section's head of section, teachers and administration staff.
Ensuring that institutional policies and processes are kept up-to-date and properly implemented.
Working with the head of section to ensure the proper management and development of the Section.
Establishing the annual budget, and setting the school fees. Ensuring that funds are correctly used to achieve the priorities that have been identified.
Board Role
Ensuring that the Anglophone Section is run in accordance with the objectives that are agreed by members and set out in the Association's statutes.
Keeping the Section community informed of relevant information concerning the Anglophone Section.
Facilitating the relationship between Anglophone Section parents and the French administration of the CSI Lyon.
Representing and promoting the interests of the Anglophone Section, both within the CSI Lyon and externally with local authorities.
Organising activities that support the aims of the CSI Lyon and the Section community.