Baccalauréat français international (BFI)
The Baccalauréat français international (BFI) is a unique qualification that is taken by students in Terminale. The BFI is not a separate diploma but a specialisation within the framework of the French baccalauréat. Students will work towards all the other components of the French baccalauréat général (assessed by written / oral exams and continuous assessment): they will also take oral and / or written exams in English, in the three subjects that comprise the BFI as offered at the CSI Lyon. Please see our Secondary information page to learn more about the subjects that are included in the BFI.
In 1ère students will choose between the two 'options' of the BFI that are offered in the Anglophone Section: US and UK.
Baccalauréat français international, British version (BFI UK)
The British version of the BFI is quality assured by Cambridge International Education in partnership with the French Ministère de l'Education Nationale.
Baccalauréat français international, American version (BFI US)
The American version of the BFI is quality assured by the College Board working in partnership with the French Ministère de l'Education Nationale.
More information about the BFI is available from the French Ministry of Education here (in French) and includes an information brochure (in English).
BFI Exams & Assessment
In Terminale all students will sit the various exams that are associated with the BFI.
ACL (Language & Literature) and DNL (History / Geography) will be examined by a written exam and an oral exam.
Connaissances du monde will be examined by an oral exam only.
Both the British and American versions of the BFI are offered in international Sections in schools across France and the rest of the world. As such, a collaborative approach is needed to ensure that standards are maintained and to ensure consistency across different schools. Associations have been established to coordinate the delivery of the exams and to provide support for teachers across the network (ASIBA for the British version, AAMIS for the American version). Anglophone Section teachers in particular play a key role in these associations.

International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE)

Students will take the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) in English Language and (for the majority of students) English Literature at the end of their 2nde year. This qualification, which is administered by Pearson Edexcel, is an international qualification which is the equivalent of the GCSE offered by schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. IGCSE examinations are usually taken in June.
The IGCSEs require the same standards of knowledge and skills as GCSEs but are designed for the international context. Results are expressed in Grades A (A* for outstanding work), B, C, D, E, F, G, or U (unclassified); A-C are considered to be a “pass” and indicate a standard which would allow the pupil to continue to study at a higher level.
Diplome du Brevet, mention internationale
The brevet is a French qualification taken by pupils at the end of 3ème. It comprises written examinations in French, Mathematics and History/Geography. In order to qualify for the mention internationale, students must also take oral examinations in English Language & Literature and History/Geography. These are examined in English and organised by schools locally.